Hero house illustration

When it comes to your real estate operations, what you don't know can hurt you.

Every operational inefficiency costs you money. Eliminate inefficiencies with a comprehensive operations audit + actionable report from industry experts.


Are you leaving money on the table?

You’re a property investor.
Or a real-estate operator.

And you have this nagging feeling that while operations are running, you’re not getting maximum return from the property.

Investor with buildings
How to fix image
The likely culprit?

Your operations aren’t as efficient as they could be.

  • The wrong collection software (or not setting it up properly) could be draining hundreds of hours a year
  • An innacurate comps assessment could be costing you tens of thousands of years in lost revenue
  • Disorganized communication workflows can bottleneck approvals

Each inefficiency is eroding your NOI. Only thing is: you’re not sure what to fix. And how to fix it.

What if you could get a comprehensive report of how every aspect of your operations is performing + a detailed roadmap of exactly how to fix them
to increase efficiencies and drive more revenue?

We’re LevelOp

An experienced team of  industry experts img

An experienced team of operational consultants, financial experts, software specialists, and property operators–with over 50 years of combined real-estate experience.

In 2015, we founded Terra, an end-to-end operations + financial service platform for real-estate operators.

Since then we’ve guided scores of business set-up and run efficient operations on over 750 properties nationwide.

And we’ve seen firsthand how eliminating even one inefficiency can yield big bottom-line boosts.

True Stories:

Automating a leasing process cut costs by $75,000/year for an operator in California
Implementing a simple leasing CRM led to a 25% lift in occupancy within 6 months for an owner in New Jersey
Optimizing a Make Ready Process cut turnover time in half for an operator in Georgia

We’re not talking massive company overhauls that cost tens of thousands of dollars and take months to roll-out.

We’re talking practical to-dos that you can immediately implement– and get you results within the month.

The only thing holding you back?
You need to know what to fix. And how to fix it.

The only thing holding you back?
You need to know what to fix. And how to fix it.

We’ve multiplied the NOI on hundreds of properties for our clients.

  • Automating a leasing process cut costs by $75,000/year for an operator in California
  • Implementing a simple CRM led to a 25% lift in occupancy within 6 months for an owner
  • Implementing a simple CRM led to a 25% lift in occupancy within 6 months for an owner
Software options icon

We know the ins-and-outs of all the software options–and when to use what.

Properties icon

We’ve seen the operations of hundreds of properties up-close–what works and what doesn’t.

And now we can show you how to do the same for your property.

Ready to stop the money leaks and supercharge your operations?

Here’s how it works:

Step one


How it’s done:
Zoom or in-person

You and your operational executives get a short questionnaire. We’ll meet and review your basic operational set-up together.

Step two

Up close and personal

How it’s done:
On-site visit + employee interviews

We’ll go-down and speak with your employees on-site to get a boots-on-the-ground feel of exactly how operations are running.

You’ll get a comprehensive 22 pt. audit across four key operational areas, so you get instant clarity where it really matters.

Here’s an overview of what we’ll look at:
01 filled

Administrative Assessment

02 filled

Revenue Analysis

03 filled

Capex Analysis

04 filled

Physical Property Assessment

Step three

The Big Picture. And All the Details.

How it’s done:
Report deliverable + live breakdown
You’ll get:
01 outlined
A comprehensive report that details all our findings + a roadmap of actionable to-dos that you can refer to again and again.
02 outlined
A live report breakdown where we’ll present our findings, lay out the solutions, and answer any on-the-spot questions.
03 outlined
Phone / email
follow-up support
Step one


How it’s done:
Zoom or in-person

You and your operational executives get a short questionnaire. We’ll meet and review your basic operational set-up together.

Step two

Up close and personal

How it’s done:
On-site visit + employee interviews

We’ll go-down and speak with your employees on-site to get a boots-on-the-ground feel of exactly how operations are running.

You’ll get a comprehensive 22 pt. audit across four key operational areas, so you get instant clarity where it really matters.

Here’s an overview of what we’ll look at:
01 filled

Administrative Assessment

  • Employee Performance
  • Staff Allocation
Systems / Softwares
  • Resident Data
  • Maintenance Requests
  • Leads
  • Applications
  • Make Ready
Internal Processes
  • Market Rent Process
  • Lead and Leasing Process
  • Leasing Process
  • Renewal Process
  • Rent Collection Process
  • Maintenance Requests Process
  • Maintenance Request Completion Process
  • Make Ready Process
02 filled

Revenue Analysis

  • Rental Trends, Variances and Analysis
  • Concession Policy
  • Additional sources of Revenue
  • Vacancy Analysis
  • Revenue vs. Comps
03 filled

Capex Analysis

  • Unit Rehabs
  • Capex vs. Comps
04 filled

Physical Property Assessment

  • Property Aesthetic
  • Property Appeal
  • Customer Service
Step three

The Big Picture. And All the Details.

How it’s done:
Report deliverable + live breakdown
You’ll get:
01 outlined
A comprehensive report that details all our findings + a roadmap of actionable to-dos that you can refer to again and again.
02 outlined
A live report breakdown where we’ll present our findings, lay out the solutions, and answer any on-the-spot questions.
03 outlined
Phone / email
follow-up support

Choose Your Package

One-time Audit

Boost Your Business Growth
Perfect for you if:

You need a quick way maximize your return with minimum investment.

What it is:

A one-time audit that gives you instant clarity on every aspect of your operations +  direction on how to improve them for revenue-raising results.

Custom Package

Fastrack your way to success
Perfect for you if:

You are consistanly rolling out new features to grow your business and want to make sure you’re always running at highest efficiency.

What it is:

Choose how many audits you want per year and get the peace-of-mind (and surging profits) from optimized operations.

For the cost of a 2-week temporary employee and only 2-3 hours of your time, you can:

Stop the money leaks icon

Stop the money leaks

Small things over time can add up to thousands of dollars in lost revenue. And many times, the solution is an easy-fix.

Shortcut the curve to efficient operations icon

Shortcut the curve to efficient operations

Your NOI is the outcome of hundreds of nitty-gritty details. We’ll methodically analyze key aspects of your operations, so you can fix the things that’ll make the most impact.

Get personalized guidance from the pros icon

Get personalized guidance from the pros

When you’re neck-deep in your business, you’re inevitably going to miss key elements in efficient operations. We offer an experienced team of experts who know exactly what to look for–and how to fix it.

Beyond Levelop

Check out our other brands to see how we can support your business growth beyond Levelop

Operational platform plus backoffice services to help operators and management companies maintain accurate records, increase efficiencies, and scale seamlessly, while maximizing invested capital.

Learn More

Property onboarding and software implementation by operational and financial experts, so you get a snag-free launch + efficient operations.

Learn More

Closing on a commercial property? Offload the closing headache to an experienced closer, and focus on business growth, not closing logistics.

Learn More

You’ve invested hundreds of thousands of dollars on this property. Run it right.